I wonder

Try asking “Dear G-d, What would it be like if …he, she, they, I were healed from… (fill in the blank)?” Go on with your life in a state of playful wonderment, and watch miracles begin to unfold.

You may ask, how can one reach a state of playful wonderment with so many global and local concerns to worry about, so many responsibilities, so many bills to pay, so little sleep etc.?

Precisely because you have so many responsibilities, a state of playful wonderment may save your sanity moment by moment, day by day. Do not take this state of mind for granted. One has to work on it and it is often an uphill climb. As you are climb a steep hill of challenge try asking:

“Dear G-d, what would it be like to have my needs easily met so that I would be free to reach out and help others?”

Go on with your life from a place of easy happy wonderment and watch the miracles unfold.

Haya Winiarz

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