
Every single moment has meaning in it. We can discover meaning in a situation and respond to it in a meaningful way. The action or attitude we take may be spontaneous or planned, fateful or ordinary. When we discover meaning we surrender – not in defeat but with an awesome, wondrous sense that something beyond us is guiding us, calling us forth and inviting us to become whom we were meant to be.

What is the meaning of our lives? How can we learn about, experience and know that our lives are in fact meaningful? How can we assist others to discover meaning?

Logotherapy is a therapy and philosophy of life that explores these questions.

Viktor Frankl, a Holocaust survivor and author of the best-seller:  “Man’s Search for Meaning” is the father of Logotherapy.  He developed a way to help those who suffered from spiritual and emotional pain as they struggled to find meaning in their lives. As a result of his work, many courses in Logotherapy are offered around the globe.

The writers of this blog are trained in Logotherapy and live in Israel. It’s important to us to share significant ways we have discovered truths about life through our study and training in logotherapy. We will share many thoughts and experiences with you and we invite you to participate in the discussion on topics of faith, religion, therapeutic issues, social concerns and world situations.

The aim of this exchange of ideas is to discover sources and methods for developing an attitude of hope and for garnering the courage and strength to improve or cope with whatever difficult situations life presents. In addition, we are interested in increasing our ability to provide the healing that ensues by supporting others in their search for meaning in their lives. In short, our aim is to reveal meaning in life!

Let me introduce you to some of the people in this group blog.

Dr Teria Shantall is a professional Clinical Psychologist, trained in psychoanalysis at the Tavistock in London, and was a senior lecturer and trainer of clinical psychologists at the department of psychology at the University of South Africa,  Privileged to become a student of Dr Viktor Frankl at his first training centre in the United States, she did a doctorate research on the meaning of suffering among Holocaust survivors and established the first training centre for Logotherapists in South Africa and Israel in cooperation with interested colleagues.  She has been given several awards for her work and her publications in the field of Logotherapy by the Viktor Frankl Institute for Logotherapy of the United States and is the President and Vice President of the Viktor Frankl Institute for Logotherapy in South Africa and Israel respectively.

Batya Yaniger is a Diplomate-level certified logotherapist through the Viktor Frankl Institute and a licensed social worker in Israel with a PsyD in psychology. She maintains a private practice in logotherapy (meaning-centered therapy) and is co-trainer in the English language logotherapy training program in Israel. Batya has worked successfully with people who have for a variety of reasons, lost their sense of direction in life. She listens for values and strengths that put the person in touch with who they are and what is most important to them. Logotherapy’s assumption that every life has a purpose and every situation can be made meaningful perfectly dovetails with Jewish principles of optimism and responsibility. Batya has worked with people who struggle with issues of depression, anxiety, fears and indecisiveness, helping them to access their intuitive wisdom.

Aryeh Siegel While specializing in the philosophy of logic at M.I.T. (where he received his Ph.D. in philosophy), Aryeh Siegel began a 40-year exploration into the relationship between knowledge of metaphysics and wisdom in life. While that theme played on, he has taught philosophy, deepened his Jewish knowledge and commitment, managed software development projects and grown in the Jerusalem surroundings together with his wife and family of five children. He has found his spiritual home in the teaching of Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag and is using his study of coaching and logotherapy to put into practice the devotion to supporting the lives of others that is enjoined by that teaching. His website on the subject of charity is: www.joyoflife.org.il.

Haya is a pioneer in the field of spiritual energy healing through which she has been helping people worldwide for nearly two decades. After graduating with honors from Colombia University, and completing a Masters in Environmental Education at New York University, Haya chose to focus upon the inner human environment. She has dedicated herself to developing and teaching advanced  conscious transformation skills through prayer. Haya’s couselling skills are inspired by Logotherapy, the branch of psychology founded by the late Dr. Viktor E. Frankl. Haya resides in the hills of Jerusalem with her seven wonderful children and several blessed grandchildren.

17 Responses to About

  1. Anna says:

    Dear Bloggers,

    I am passionate about Logotherapy… Your site looks amazing and also I am looking for a therapist in London… Do you know of any you could recommend?

    Many thanks,


  2. logogroup says:

    Doreen Francis heads the logotherapy chapter in the UK.
    See http://www.londonvfi.co.uk/about.html

  3. Laura says:

    Is the philosophy of logotherapy based on Jewish practices?

    • logogroup says:

      No, the philosophy of logotherapy is not based on Jewish practices. Both logotherapy and Judaism are based on fundamental principles of what it means to be a human being.

  4. Hi there.

    I stumbled on this website at random. The posts here definitely look very interesting and I plan to go through them in the coming days. I have a specific problem which I wanted to share with you guys.

    I’m a Nihilist/Existentialist to a pretty serious degree. This trait has not been sudden, and has taken shape over the past couple of years.

    The worst part is that my life in these past years has been what most would define as ‘Happy’ or ‘Satisfactory to a good enough degree’. I find no meaning in happiness or any of it’s derivatives for that matter.

    I do see and appreciate beauty in life. The nature, science, the universe, music, art, the human achievement and the undying collective aim to always achieve greatness. These things are indeed acknowledged by me, but I am at a loss when I try to comprehend the meaning of all this. They are a source of wonder and momentary excitement, which I have started regarding as another form of personal entertainment with no lasting value or meaning.

    I can’t decide if I need help/assistance. Being a non- believer in general, I cant convince myself why this mental state is ‘wrong’.

    I am 23 years old. I am definitely not suicidal. The idea sounds very wasteful and dramatic. I believe I am very stable emotionally.

    I have started to realize that I’m in for this long tormenting journey called life, as I don’t see myself rejecting these ideas without a good collection of counter arguments.

    Any ideas?


    • logogroup says:

      Hi Anuraag,

      I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to supply you with any counter-arguments. A case can be made for the world being a meaningless place just as a case can be made that it’s a meaningful place to live. It’s really a choice about which way you’re going to look at it.

      Whether or not you need help is a very different kind of question from the question of whether your mental state is ‘wrong’ yet it’s interesting that you put these two things in the same sentence. What you have said is that although your life can be defined as ‘happy’ and although you do appreciate wonder and beauty in life, you are prepared for what you expect to be a “long tormenting journey.”

      It sounds like what you’re saying is that in the absence of meaning in life, you can’t be happy, which is what logotherapy says.

      Rather than provide counter arguments the question I would put to you is: What stops you from finding meaning in the wonders of nature and in human achievements? Is everything really no more than a momentary thrill for you? What about relationships with people you care about?

      I hope some of these thoughts will stimulate your thinking.

    • Judy says:

      Dear Anuraag: I just came across this wonderful website myself. I’m a nurse and have struggled quite a lot in various ways with this subject of meaning, emptiness, purpose. One of the things that I have become aware of is the intensely mental life that we modern humans live. It has been very fruitful for me to go deeply into the experience of meaninglessness- what are the bodily and emotional sensations that occur in the existential void? Sometimes these sensations can be paired with life events or responses to events or people in our lives- or lack of these things. One of things you mentioned was the effect that nature has on you. Perhaps there is a message there for you to pay attention to. Sometimes we don’t know the meaning of something until it is pursued more deeply. One thing I know for sure is that there never was anything or anyone created that is irrelevant.
      All the best, Judy

  5. Panny says:

    I know that this site was given to me today at a time of personal struggle and intense aloneness… I am so grateful for this healing gift. Thank you so much.

    Batya, it is so good to know now what you look like and I hope I will have the opportunity to meet with you and others who I have learned to love over time, when I visit Israel soon.

    An exciting adventure awaits… too exciting… I don’t know which is more powerful, the excitment or the anxiety over it all, but I am truly looking forward to my visit more than I can contain right now.

    Thank you – thank you – thank you 🙂

    • logogroup says:

      Hi Pan,

      I and all of us are very much looking forward to meeting you! Thank you for commenting. It gives me already a bit of a glimpse into who you are. I’m sure you will love our group and we will all be enriched by you.

      • Panny says:

        Thank you so much,

        My mind is now far more at ease and I am at peace with the whole idea of giving myself to such a great adventure. The excitement is growing daily and I can hardly contain it still, so I really can’t wait to be there, to meet you all, so that I don’t have to do this waiting anymore.

        Once again, thank you with all my heart. I’m quite sure it is me who will be greatly enriched by all of you and the whole experience. It’s already happening and I can barely believe it!

        Love to you and all,

  6. Panny says:

    The computer put in the name Panny, but in Logo-circles I am Pan…
    Lots of love and gratitude to you all,

  7. hannabastaman says:

    Hi the Happy Logogroup
    I liked your “Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy” smart articles. They make logotherapy more practical and simple. I’m a clinical psychologist from Indonesia and retired lecturer on humanistic psychology (cq. logotherapy) at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia. My age? Old enough…73 years (and still… enthusiastic). I’m an autodidact on logotherapy since 1975 and wrote three books and articles on Logotherapy in the Indonesian language. Happy to meet U “in the sky” (cq. internet). Love and gratitude to you all. Hanna

    • Panny says:

      You sound like such a beautiful and dedicated person Hanna… I am 55 years and still learning. I wish I could spend some time with you chatting… I bet I could learn so much from you. Have a wonderful week. Love and hugs, Pan.

  8. Andrey says:

    Greetings from Russia!

    I’m and my spouse with great pleasure are educated to the logotherapy.
    Thanks for your interesting materials!

    With best regards,

  9. hi Guys!
    I recently discovered your blog and I’ve been through most of your articles and I think they are really interesting and helpful i a way to learn how to see and feel some situations. I was wondering if you would be interested in sharing some of your posts and ideas on Glipho? I bet that our users would love to read your amazing stuff! It’s a quite new social publishing platform, where you can connect to every social network accounts, really easy to use it and communicate with your followers. In additional, you are able to import the posts from your blog in a super-easy way without affecting it at all.
    Please, have a look and take a tour to know more about http://glipho.com/. If you would like to set up your account, please do not hesitate to ask me for further information and I will send you an invitation.
    I hope you will join our Glihpo community soon. 🙂
    All the best,

  10. logogroup says:

    Looks good. I’m seriously considering it.

  11. Panny says:


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